Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Industrial Revolution 3 - 4013 Words

INDUSTRIAL STUDIES ASSIGNMENT NO 1 Development of Engineering since the Industrial Revolution The Main Outcomes of the Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution had a huge impact on society. The major effects were socially and economically. It is rather difficult to date the start of the industrial revolution but history books of today suggest the onset during the 18th century. The change from agriculture to industry was vast and it must be remembered that England was the first country to undergo this profound change. The initial effect on engineering industries arising at the start of the Industrial Revolution were due partly to the geographical location of the resources i.e. coal iron and water. The†¦show more content†¦The manufacture of bicycles, aircraft, and most predominantly the motor car increased with the utilisation of all forms of electrically powered machines. There were also increases in all forms of electrical engineering from light bulbs and radios to generating plant and machinery. Natural Resources e.g. Coal Petrochemicals The British coal industry was the major contributor to the Industrial Revolution. The industry utilised the first steam powered engines of Newcommen and many more that followed. As production grew from these applications the new railways were used to transport the vast amounts of coal being produced. In 1830 steam power could wind men and coal up and down a few hundred feet. By the 1860s there were pithead engines of 1500 hp. For 100 years from 1850 coal made up more than half of the railways freight. In 1913 one out of every 14 British workers was employed at a coalmine. In the same year there were 3,289 pits. Coal was used to power the giant iron works and the textile industry. The gasworks of the early 1800s were burning thousands of tons per year. The coal used in these gasworks was roasted and this resulted in coke as a waste product. This coke was then sold on to the ironworks. In the 1860s British engineers were still improving the s team engine. But there French and German counterparts were short of steam coal so they turned there attention to gas. AShow MoreRelatedAssignment 3: Environmental Issues and the Industrial Revolution895 Words   |  4 PagesModule 1 Assignment 3 SCI201 Ecology and Environmental Sustainability Argosy University The Industrial Revolution, which took place in the 18th to the 19th centuries, was an era during which essentially uncultivated, rural societies in America and other countries became industrial and urban. Before the Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain during the late 1700s, construction was mostly done by using hand tools or basic machines. 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